MiHo Cho
Founder, Conference Chang/
CEO, Hwajein., Ltd.
Sometime after she started her own business, she found her thought that it was a virtue to build a company on her own without anyone's help was driving herself too hard. When looked around, she thought that if she gave away the PR know-how earned from her whole life of work, it would be a good way of giving back to society. In the year of establishing the Conference Chang, she created a start-up session and introduced them. So far, a total of 18 start-ups have been introduced at Conference Chang

She worked as a broadcasting PD for 18 years, in the mean time she had gone through Maeil Business Newspaper's World Knowledge Forum, Vision Korea, SBS' Seoul Digital Forum and Future Korea Report. She is a founder of Conference Chang and CEO of Hwajein Co., Ltd., an innovative contents company.