YoungChul Kang
Chair of Organizing committee,
Conference Chang/
Visiting Professor,
Hanyang University
He is the first South Korean to receive a degree from abroad in corporate social responsibility under the theme of "Before-Profit Social Responsibility." He studied economics at Seoul National University and worked as a reporter in the Maeil Business Newspaper before moving to the U.S. and earning a master's degree and doctorate in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the person who organized and launched the World Knowledge Forum hosted by the Maeil Business Newspaper, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. After 20 years as a journalist, he jumped into the business scene when he realized, 'journalism not knowing the scene only delivers lifeless value to the reader.’ He joined Pulmuone and headed the U.S. business normalization and mergers and acquisitions as the head of the global business division. He is remembered as the leader who created a happy workplace for American employees at the time.In accordance with his usual belief, ‘I will end my career servicing for public interest, he applied for Deputy Minister for Regulatory Reform, Prime minister’s office of Korean Government through open career system and removed thousands of restrictions for three years from 2014. After retirement, he worked for two months as an English volunteer at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics to practice living as an ordinary person.

As the chair of Organizing Committee of Conference Chang and the Chief Advisor of Hwajein Co., Ltd., he is helping the "Designing Happy Workplaces" campaign to contribute to businesses and society in South Korea.