09:00 ~ 09:10
Opening : Designing Happy Workplaces
[Organizer] MiHo Cho
Founder, Conference Chang(窓)
[Organizer] MiHo Cho
Founder, Conference Chang(窓)
09:10 ~ 09:50
Keynote Speech : Science of Happy Workplaces
Marc Milstein(Ph.D.)
Biochemistry Scientist
Marc Milstein(Ph.D.)
Biochemistry Scientist
09:50 ~ 10:10
Coffee Break #1
Session 1 : Want to Have Excellent Performance?
Make Your Workplace Happy
Although maximum work hour has been restricted to 52 hours in Korea, this isn’t enough for employee’s happiness. Happiness Companies CEO from Korea, US, China discuss ways to design happy workplaces. Happiness icon in Korea that offers unlimited voluntary leave, a 100-year retirement guarantee, and a lifetime pension payment after retirement/ Happiness company in US that prioritizes work output more than work time and also allow 100% telecommuting since its founding 19 years ago/ Chinese happiness companies that provided manufacturing platform network for designers who have talent and dreams but lacked manufacturing capacities / we have analyzed their management strategies and experiences
10:10 ~ 10:15
[Moderator] Hugh Choi
Author of 'Burning Man : Experiment to Innovation'
[Moderator] Hugh Choi
Author of 'Burning Man : Experiment to Innovation'
10:15 ~ 10:35
A Happiness Economist Talks on Happy Workplace
Spyridon Stavropoulos(Ph.D)
Researcher, EHERO, Erasmus Univ.
Spyridon Stavropoulos(Ph.D)
Researcher, EHERO, Erasmus Univ.
10:35 ~ 10:55
Make a Happy Company 100% Telecommuting Over 19 Years
J.D. Choi
CEO, Tax Technologies, Inc.
J.D. Choi
CEO, Tax Technologies, Inc.
10:55 ~ 11:15
Happy Management Story
YoungTak Cho
CEO, Hunet
YoungTak Cho
CEO, Hunet
11:15 ~ 12:00
Panel Discussion / Q&A
12:00 ~ 12:50
Special Speech
12:50 ~ 13:10
Do You Want To Be Happy? Robots Will Help You!
SeKyung Song(Ph.D)
CEO, Future Robot
SeKyung Song(Ph.D)
CEO, Future Robot
Session 2 : Invest Into Happiness Eco-System Economist Michael E. Porter says, "Companies should not make social contribution activities after profit generation, but rather should pursue economic profit while at the same time creating social value.(2011, HBR)" Under the perception that corporate competitiveness and prosperity of surrounding communities are interdependent, Michael Porter defined this as CSV (Creating Shared Value). We want to redefine this as a happy ecosystem. Here, managers value and invest in corporate and social happiness ecosystem beyond the profit of enterprise have gathered.
13:10 ~ 13:15
[Moderator] YoungChul Kang(Ph.D.)
Adjunct Professor, Hanyang Univ.
[Moderator] YoungChul Kang(Ph.D.)
Adjunct Professor, Hanyang Univ.
13:15 ~ 13:45
13 Years CSV Journey; Building Yellow Clay Road on Gyejok Mt.
WongRae Cho
Chairperson, Mackiss Company
WongRae Cho
Chairperson, Mackiss Company
13:45 ~ 14:05
Building ‘Happy Alliance’ in Fourth Industrial Revolution
Wei Wang
Co-Founder, Modern Deco.
Wei Wang
Co-Founder, Modern Deco.
14:05 ~ 14:25
Happiness Business Model? I Will Invest
JaeHyun Kim
CEO, Crevisse Partners
JaeHyun Kim
CEO, Crevisse Partners
14:25 ~ 15:05
Panel Discussion / Q&A
15:05 ~ 15:25
Coffee Break #2
“Win-Win and Coexistence” for the Better World With a vision “A storyteller who creates a valuable world”, Hwajein Co. has created Conference 窓 to help startups that require extensive connections in order to promote their innovative products and services. It is a great opportunity for large corporations, business leaders, and general audiences to network. We hope that this session will act as a bridge for audience to listen to each other’s opportunities to create future win-win situation. Hwajein Co and Conference VIEW believes in a sustainable world full of win-win cooperation.
15:25 ~ 15:30
[Moderator] Miho Cho
Founder, Conference Chang(窓)
[Moderator] Miho Cho
Founder, Conference Chang(窓)
15:30 ~ 15:40
Receive Asset Management Happily Even 100,000 Won!
YoungBeen Kim
CEO, Fount
YoungBeen Kim
CEO, Fount
15:40 ~ 15:50
Job perfectly suits you makes you happy
HeeDong Kim
Ceo, Smart Social
HeeDong Kim
Ceo, Smart Social
15:50 ~ 16:00
We Are Happy Humanist!
JunMo Lee
Concern Worldwide, Korea Representative
JunMo Lee
Concern Worldwide, Korea Representative
16:00 ~ 16:20
Break #3
Session 3 : ‘Happiness Inc.’ Employees spend 8 out of 24 hours at their workplaces. Thus, excluding the time they spend sleeping, employees spend vast majority of their waking hours at workplaces. We wonder whether employees are happy at their workplaces. Happy leaders make employees happy, which in turn result in happier clients. Clients’ happiness reflects as success of companies. Here, we’ve gathered managers who make employees happy! There is a start-up made by mothers, whose careers are interrupted due to family and marriage, who bring their children to work.
16:20 ~ 16:25
[Moderator] BoKyung Bae(Ph.D)
Director, IGM
(Institute of Global Management)
[Moderator] BoKyung Bae(Ph.D)
Director, IGM
(Institute of Global Management)
16:25 ~ 16:55
Happy Staff, Growing Company
Nia Kim
Nia Kim
16:25 ~ 16:55
Happy Staff, Growing Company
YunHa Park
YunHa Park
16:55 ~ 17:15
A Company Whose Millennial Parents Are Happy
DaRang Lee
CEO, Growing Mom
DaRang Lee
CEO, Growing Mom
17:15 ~ 17:55
Panel Discussion / Q&A
07:00 ~ 08:00